Sally Dooley

Sally Dooley

Encouraging. Intuitive. Creative.

Encouraging literally means inspiring others with courage and hope.

My desire to do this underpins my roles as leader, facilitator, coach, and speaker, and as a parent, family member and friend. 

My discovery of this passion was unplanned.  After starting a degree and career in accounting, I was asked to lead the performance and development team in a government department. The learning curve was steep, but I found my home! 

Since leaving this role over 20 years ago, I have worked across public, private and community sectors. My journey has involved leaders at all levels, from the C-Suite to a thousand community leaders in Uganda.  The thrill of facilitating a moment of insight and watching someone grow is a privilege. 

I am passionate about helping people to become great leaders. Leadership matters, not only to our organisations but to our families and communities and to the way we shape the world.

My greatest claim to fame is being a mother to four young adult men.  They have given me a master’s degree in resilience and are my absolute joy!  I also prioritise volunteering in my community. I love my role as a TEDx speaker coach, helping to prepare speakers for their moment on the red circle.
“It took me quite a long time to develop a voice, and now that I have it, I am not going to be silent.” - Madeleine Albright