Jenn Bedlington

Jenn Bedlington

Creative. Empathic. Determined.

I believe that a journey of growth is more important than the destination.
My journey took me from a bush childhood, to researching construction and mining, to complex policy, running multi-million dollar programs, and leading thousands of staff in the public sector. From sweeping the board in the shearing shed, through CEO of a state government agency; leading Australia's delegations in Geneva; negotiating with other governments; to business owner and entrepreneur.

My learning traversed psychology, economics, law, human geography, and now an abiding interest in neuroscience and human behaviour.

Alongside my never-satisfied quest for mastery is my deep need for meaning. My life's purpose is to enable others, especially my family. My grandchildren are spread across 2 continents making their way in the world. What joy! And my role as a Telephone Crisis Supporter with Lifeline every week reminds me to be grateful for the riches and love in my life.

The Knowhow Generator wraps together an entrepreneurial response to a disruptive change in the way people can learn, an exciting avenue for me to share with a wider audience the insights and skills I've built, and challenge aplenty to develop technological skills to capture my creativity. Heaven!

"Be strong, but not rude
Be kind, but not weak
Be bold, but not bully
Be thoughtful, but not lazy
Be humble, but not timid
Be proud, but not arrogant
Have humour, but without folly"
- Jim Rohn (among others)