Jenine Borowik

Jenine Borowik

Caring. Creative. Optimistic.

My initial career aim was to educate and inspire young minds. However, the responsibilities of marriage and a mortgage rendered full-time university study to become a teacher financially impractical, so I moved to studying and working full time in Information Technology. I soon realised that the world of Information Technology holds the power to change lives just as much, if not more, than other pursuits. In this rapidly evolving field, the human touch is the ultimate differentiator.

With over three decades of diverse experience in IT and leadership roles, spanning from application development to client relations and technical program leadership to senior executive leadership, I have cultivated the knowledge and skills to assist clients, IT professionals, and other technical specialists to achieve remarkable outcomes through working effectively together.

But life isn’t solely about professional success. I believe in nurturing family bonds and community connections. My dedication extends to volunteering at local events, mentoring young minds through organisations like Fearless Women, and supporting my daughter’s equestrian pursuits.

I'm here to help you expand your horizons and find fulfillment in your career and life. Together we can unleash your untapped potential. Let’s work together to achieve your dreams.

"Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering.
There is a crack, a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in.”
- Leonard Cohen