Ian Higginbottom

Ian Higginbottom

Curious. Insightful. Generous.

I first worked as a marine scientist and then as an entrepreneur, growing a software company. The challenges I faced in business were not technical but personal; I was afraid of people, avoided ‘conflict’, and thought I wasn’t a ‘leader’. The company would have failed if I hadn’t engaged a coach. My coach helped me shift from refusing to speak in front of my staff to addressing international conferences. They helped me heal damaged relationships and resolve long-running conflicts. While my fear and anxiety didn’t go away, I learned conversational competencies that enabled me to gain a global client base and secure venture capital.

I learned I could learn to be and do more than I had ever imagined.

When I left the company, I committed myself to helping others have the transformative learning experiences I had had. I have since spent 14 years studying and practising ontological coaching and generative leadership.

When not studying or working with clients, I spend time with my children, grandchildren, partner, and friends. I’m also actively engaged in a cohousing community in Hobart, where I have spent 30 years intentionally creating a sense of community that nurtures my being.

"We do not see things as they are, we see them as we are."
- Anaïs Nin